Becoming a Food Service Challenger Brand
June 18, 2024
Custom or Convenience
Which Solution Fuels Your Growth?

Going from paper chaos to app-powered challenger – what will your story be?

✍🏻 Do Start-up leaders want to spend hours on manual data entry and organising messy spreadsheets?  I’m reasonably confident most don’t.

⌛ Get more time to focus on the Product Development you love like Sarah pre and post her humble seed’s digital transformation.

Sarah’s humble seed:


Paper trails, endless calls, and physical bustling define Sarah's days.

Mornings begin with scribbling orders, followed by a flurry of phone calls to suppliers and customers.

There is barely enough time to make the rounds and record some food processor readings for quality.

Concerned that it will stay on her to-do list forever, she adds analysis of the data to next week’s list.

She plans in deliveries manually, often leading to missed stops and frustrated customers.

Inventory is a constant worry, tracked on complicated spreadsheets, often inaccurate.

Sarah spends evenings buried in paperwork, yearning for a more efficient way.


The app revolutionises Sarah's world.

Orders flow in seamlessly, automatically updating inventory.

Manual sensor readings are no longer needed, and the process is automatically tracked and available for the customer.

Sarah manages everything from her phone or tablet, scheduling deliveries, communicating with suppliers, and analysing sales data.

With more time to focus on recipe development and quality control, her business grows.

She is thriving, expanding her business with the confidence that her decision to digitise was the right move, driving accelerated business growth.

From paper chaos to app-powered challenger, Sarah's humble seed was digitised, allowing for consistency, reliability for her customers, automation that took away the manual headaches that she had and reduced resource costs.  Although the story is just for illustration, yours doesn’t need to be.  

The benefits are real - Digitally mature companies are typically achieving more than 25% increased profits than their peers. (MIT) - and they are often the distinguishing factors in leading challenger brands.

What could your story be?  

If you would like to discuss this, or any other aspect of your business challenges, get in touch with us.
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Scaling Your Food Startup With Digital
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